Capacity Markets Partners brings the rewards of wholesale electric markets to end-use commercial, industrial and institutional customers through Demand Response and Energy Efficiency programs in PJM, ISO New England, New York ISO and Midwest ISO.
Organized ISO/RTO markets have complex rules and structures, which are often in transition. Overlaid on these ISO/TRO markets are changing economic conditions, public policy and stakeholder requirements emanating from federal, state, local or non-government entities. This dynamic environment potentially affects the value of asset positions of every market participant at any time. Specifically, long-term positions, such as those inherent in participating forward capacity markets are at considerable risk due to change in one or more impacting variable.
Through Capacity Market Partners' constant presence and transaction activities in the electric wholesale markets, we help our clients mitigate risk and maximize value in this dynamic environment.
Market participants need better data and deeper intelligence to optimize their strategies. New wholesale market products, like Demand Response and Energy Efficiency, often of different flavors, duration and potential value effect incumbent providers, and in turn providers of these new products need understanding of existing market structures and economics.
Capacity Markets Partners provides market-entry support to new entrants and develops new product offering for existing participants. Our market analysis and support consulting is based on structured, hypothesis-driven approaches that help identify the most important requirements for clients and delivers rapid execution of strategic decisions
Participation in ISO/RTO involves many touch points; regulatory, stakeholder interactions, settlements, dispatch, back office. Many growth and medium-sized organizations with nimble strategies prefer to focus on their core strategies and high-value front-office activities. As wholesale market experts with continuous market presence,
Capacity Markets Partners offers a complete solution that encompasses full performance of a participant's market-facing requirements in ISO/RTO markets.
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Capacity Markets Partners, LLC is a wholesale electricity markets advisory firm that assists market suppliers to optimize their assets and investments.
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